Please read over all the information with a parent or guardian before filling out the exchange program application.

Tachikawa San Bernardino Sister City Program
Application Requirements

1. Application must be completed by the student and guardian.
Student must be a high school junior in the San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD), attend a high school with an address within the city limits of San Bernardino and/or within the boundaries of the SBCUSD, or may live within the San Bernardino City limits to be eligible to apply.

2. It is recommended that a student have at least a 3.0 Academic GPA.

3. Student must submit two (2) reference letters from people that are not related to the student.
One (1) letter should be from a school teacher, counselor, coach, etc. The second letter should be from a person in the community that knows you and is not related to you. Please note how the letter author knows you, what their position is, and attach a copy of each letter to all five copies of the application.

4. Student must submit a single official transcript with a raised seal.

5. Student must submit five (5) complete legible copies of the application.
Each copy should include a copy of each reference letter and a transcript, as noted above. The copies can be typed or handwritten legibly but must have handwritten signatures on each copy.

6. Mail or deliver completed application and official transcript to:
Selection Committee Chair
Mrs. Judy Maculsay
2785 N. San Gabriel Street
San Bernardino, CA 92404
Phone: 909-883-4504

Phone number and email are for making contact, not to submit the application

The Application Process Is On Hold For Now

Clicking the button below will open a new window where you will be able to download the entire application file to your computer. Please inform us via phone call or e-mail immediately if you are having any difficulties with the file.